UI UX trends

Top Mobile App UI/UX Design

We can thank the pandemic for shifting mobile app design UI UX trends. Not sure how that can be possible?

UI UX trends
Woman studying By Matheus Costa

Well, think of this for a moment. Many businesses moved to the virtual world or remote work from home with capacity limits, business closures, lockdowns, social distancing, and other COVID-related protocols. Because of this shift, companies with online apps have had to adapt by updating their apps to meet this new reality.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what design trends are emerging to give your business apps the competitive edge they need to remain relevant in the current post-COVID landscape

#1 Use Dark Themes

Oddly enough, apps that utilize a dark mode have had a calming effect on users. When you consider how anxious and stressed some people are while dealing with the changes around them to address the pandemic, it only makes sense to have a business app that they find attractive.

Dark mode themes are the answer to that.

The dark mode acts as a calming agent, but it also looks slick and professional. Plus, both Android and Apple have accepted dark themes operations within recent updates to their OS.

Image illustrate dark mode

But there is one more excellent reason to implement a dark mode on your business app. The low-light UI also reduces battery use, and for some who access your app, that will be a big deal.

#2 Keep It Simple…The KISS Rule

Remember when complicated, involved UI designs were the rage? At the time, they produced tremendous results. In today’s user-friendly online world, you would be much further ahead to go the other direction.

We’re talking about applying a simple, straightforward, and easy-to-understand design to your app.

This would include a clean interface sprinkled with animation, graphics, and whatever else you need to get your message across. The key here is to keep it simple to make your app easy to use in mobile apps.

The use of curved corners is becoming a new trend that acts like a magnet where it is most certainly influencing UX. Not only is it a significant piece of eye candy, but it does make your site easy on the eyes.

Simple ui

#3 Drop The Password Login

Who wants to have to remember a long list of passwords today? In many cases, password logins are just another hurdle that turns off some users. The alternative is password-less logins.

Sure, it sounds risky,

but today’s technology understands that there are other ways to sign into a site without recalling a 16-character password that you change every three months.

You do change your passwords, right? Options for password-less logins include fingerprint or face recognition and one-time temporary passwords (OTPs). Remember, your business app may be used daily by some users.

Why has it been set up with a hurdle they need to navigate each time they sign on?

Password login

#4 The Power of Voice

Voice-powered apps add a unique and essential convenience to the user. You are probably already using similar apps in your homes, such as Alexa, Siri, or Bixby, so why not pass the same capabilities to your business app? Many of your users will have a familiarity factor to make your app comfortable.

The bonus here is that with voice interaction capabilities, you instantly convert your app to a hands-free product that will make it attractive to many users. The trend here is that since virtual assistants already exist in many applications, adding them to your business app elevates your status to users and makes it even easier for them to interact with your app.

#5 Neumorphism in mobile apps

Neummorphism originates in essence as skeuomorph. Typically designers incorporated these mobile design trends as a technique for re-imagining shapes as closely as possible to their original form.

The icon design was a hit in apps. Neumorphicity is changing graphic design dramatically.

Instead of boring recreation, these UI design trends play with minimalism.

 Neumorphism allows a user to experience a mixture of flat and 3D graphics. They are so loved that people are so excited. Some good user interface design examples of neumorphism have been found within simple applications. It can be done using calculators, calendars, and even setting menus.


#6 Round Corners

Rounded corners are a trend that has developed from modern smartphone devices. Both Android and iOS flagships feature rounded corners. This style gives a softer look to the device, making it more approachable.

While some may argue that this style is too simplistic, there is no denying that it makes the device look more luxurious.

This style is also becoming more popular in web design, as it can give a site a more modern look.

If you want to incorporate this trend into your designs, keep a few things in mind. First, remember that less is more.

 Too many curves can make your design look cluttered and busy. Second, use curves to highlight essential elements on your page. Finally, make sure that your curves are consistent throughout your design.

This will help create a cohesive look that is pleasing to the eye.

Round corners
Finance App – iOS UI Dashboard – Fintech By Aurélien Salomon

#7 Don’t Forget to Get Personal

Personalized mobile apps will gain more attention in the current landscape.

Consider these conditions: Self-isolation—social distancing. Over the past year and a half, our habits have removed us from many regular contacts. A personalized app will make contact with users on a personal level.

This includes employing AI, machine learning, AR, and VR technologies to bring an app to the point where it appears to genuinely know what a specific user needs.

Personalization creates an emotional bond that will lead to trust, loyalty, and additional business for your business. This trend will extend well into the future.

Get personal
Nike NYC By James DeBrock

#8 Bold Typography

Bold typography can be a great way to grab users’ attention. It can help to make your content more readable and easier to scan and can also be used to highlight important information.

However, it’s important to use bold typography sparingly, as too much can be overwhelming and challenging to read.

When used correctly, though, bold typography can be a powerful tool in your UX/UI arsenal.

Bold typography
Podcast App By Olha Vdovenko


#9 Glassmorphism

Glassmorphism is a relatively new trend in web design that combines transparency, subtlety, and elegance. It’s perfect for modern, minimalistic designs and can make your UI design pop.

If you’re looking to add a touch of glassmorphism to your next project, here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Use light colors and gradients.

2. Create layers and use transparency to create depth.

3. Use shadows to add dimension.

4. Keep it simple – less is more with this style.

With just a few simple elements, you can create a genuinely stunning glassmorphic design. So go ahead and experiment – the possibilities are endless!

Tours Mobile App Design By Piyush Kumar Singh for Nickelfox


#10 Micro Animations

Micro animations are small, subtle animations that improve an app or website’s user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). They can provide feedback, guide the user’s attention, or simply add a bit of fun and personality.

Micro animations are becoming increasingly popular as they can significantly impact the overall feel of an app or website while being relatively easy and inexpensive to implement.

If you’re looking to add micro animations to your project, keep a few things in mind.

First, make sure that the animation serves a purpose and is not just added for decoration.

Second, keep it simple – too much animation can be overwhelming and distracting.

Finally, test your animation on different devices and browsers to ensure it looks and works as intended.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to add micro animations to your projects!

Micro animations are small, subtle animations that improve an app or website’s user experience (UX) and interface (UI). Micro animations can provide feedback, guide the user’s attention, or simply add a bit of fun and personality.

When adding micro animations to your project, it is essential to remember that the spirit should serve a purpose and not be counted for decoration only.

In addition, the animation should be kept simple – too much animation can be overwhelming and distracting.

Testing your animation on different devices and browsers is also crucial to ensure it looks and works as intended.

Micro animations
Payment and charts interations By Jakub Antalik

Why check out UX/UI trends?

If you’re working in user experience (UX) or user interface (UI), staying up-to-date on the latest trends is essential.

After all, UX and UI are constantly evolving disciplines, and what was popular yesterday may be passé today.

Checking out the latest trends can give you some insight into where the industry is headed and help you stay ahead of the curve.

There are a few different ways to keep tabs on UX/UI trends. One is to follow industry leaders and thought leaders on social media or other online channels.

Another is to attend conferences and meetups focused on UX and UI. And finally, you can simply keep your eyes peeled for new trends as they emerge.

So why bother checking out UX/UI trends? There are a few good reasons. First, as we mentioned, it can help you stay ahead of the curve.

Second, it can give you some ideas for how to improve your work. And third, it can simply be fun and exciting to see what’s new in UX and UI!

What is influencing the latest UI trends?

There are many factors influencing the trends of 2022.

One of the most important is the user experience (UX). This refers to how easy and enjoyable it is to use a product or service.

In recent years, there has been a shift towards more user-friendly and intuitive designs.

This trend is likely to continue in 2022 as companies strive to provide the best possible experience for their customers.

This refers to how users interact with a product or service. In recent years, there has been a move towards simplicity and minimalism in UI design.

This trend is likely to continue in 2022 as companies aim to create products and services that are easy to use and navigate.

Finally, another factor that is likely to influence trends in 2022 is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).

This technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in all areas of life, from personal assistants to self-driving cars.

As AI becomes more advanced, it is likely to impact the design of products and services significantly.

 Therefore, we can expect to see more AI-inspired design trends in 2022.

What about Augmented Reality in App Design?

Augmented reality app design is designing user interfaces and experiences for applications that use augmented reality technologies.

This includes considering how users will interact with the app, what kinds of information they will need to see, and how to best present it in an augmented reality environment.

Designing for augmented reality presents some unique challenges, as it is a new and relatively unexplored technology.

There are few established guidelines or best practices, which means UI designers must often experiment and iterate to find solutions that work well.

Some of the key considerations in augmented reality app design include:

How will users interact with the app? What input methods will be used (e.g., voice, touch, gestures)?

What kind of information will users need to see? How can that be presented clearly and easily to understand?

How can the app be designed to work well with the real-world environment?

 For example, how can it avoid causing visual clutter or interfering with other objects in the user’s view?

Augmented reality app design is an exciting and rapidly evolving field. As more mobile apps are developed and released, we will continue to learn more about what works well and what doesn’t.

But for now, experimentation is key to finding success in this new medium.

Augmented reality
Virtual reality Illustration By Galaxy UX Studio

What is the next big trend in UX design?

The next big trend in UX design is a focus on App design. This means that designers will focus on creating user-friendly and visually appealing apps.

Additionally, designers will also be looking to develop apps that various users can easily use, regardless of their experience level.

Final Thoughts

As many negatives as there have been associated with COVID, there are also many positives that have resulted from the changes we have all had to implement as we work our way through a very different world than we are used to.

In the world of business, the pandemic has had a tremendous impact.

 However, when looking at the positives that have been influenced by the protocols that have been put in place, there have been many trends surfacing.

For businesses with online apps, these trends will continue for quite some time and will benefit the UI/UX of customers.

With this in mind, it only makes sense to adapt business apps to meet these new needs and remain competitive in today’s online world.

Ui ux future
web illustration By Pawel Granatowski