App Store A/B testing

App Store A/B testing Optimization – iOS A/B testing is here.

App Store Optimization (ASO) optimizes mobile apps to achieve a higher ranking in an app store’s search results. The ultimate goal of ASO is to drive more traffic to your app’s page in the app store, resulting in more app downloads/installs.

There are several ways to optimize your app page for better visibility, and App Store tools can help you track your progress and measure your success.

Some standard App Store Optimization techniques include:

– Conducting keyword research to determine which keywords are most relevant to your app

– Writing compelling app descriptions that include relevant keywords

– Creating attractive and keyword-rich app icons and screenshots

– Building backlinks to your app’s page through online PR, reviews, networks, and other means

Whether you’re just starting with App Store Optimization or looking for ways to improve your existing strategy, these tips can help you drive more downloads and your app growth your user base. With the right App Store tools and techniques, you can take your app marketing efforts to the next level and start seeing actual results!

How Do You A/B Test on iOS 15 Apps?

App Store Optimization strategy (ASO) is a vital part of any effective mobile marketing strategy, and one of the essential aspects of ASO is A/B testing.

With iOS 15 App A/B testing, you can test your app’s screenshots, videos, and app icons to determine which assets are most effective at driving organic traffic to your product page.

There are several key steps to running successful App Store A/B tests on iOS 15 apps.

First, you will need to choose your test variables – these could include anything from the position or order of your screenshots to the color scheme or design elements in your app’s icon.

Next, you will need to select an appropriate sample size for your test – this should be large enough to provide reliable results but not so large that it takes excessively long to run the test.

Finally, you will need to implement your App Store A/B test and track the results carefully to determine which variation is most effective at driving organic traffic.

With App Store A/B testing, you can optimize your product page to ensure that it is as effective at driving organic traffic and conversion.

By following these steps, you can maximize the chances of success for your iOS 15 App A/B tests.

App Store Connect A/B Testing

App Store AB testing Optimization
A/B Testing Icon for Rule Communication Fabrizio Boni

App Store Connect is a powerful platform for managing your apps and conducting A/B testing. App Store Connect lets you view app analytics about your app performance, track user engagement and behavior reports, test new features or updates with App Store tests, and more.

Whether you are an experienced developer looking to optimize your app for better rankings and downloads, or you are new to the App Store and want to ensure your app is performing well, App Store Connect can help.

To get started with A/B testing on App Store, create a Testflight build of your app.

Testflight is Apple’s platform for beta testing apps. Once you have a Testflight form, you can begin setting up your A/B test.

App Store provides several tests, including App Updates Tests and App Changes Tests.

App Updates Tests allow you to experiment with new features or updates within an existing or new app version. App Update Tests can determine which update performs best in user engagement, downloads, or other key metrics.

App Changes Tests allow you to test changes made to your app’s app store listing page, such as the App Preview, description, price, title, screenshots, etc.

With App Changes Tests, you can experiment with different versions of your app listing page and determine which version performs best in user engagement, downloads, or other key metrics.

Once you have created a Testflight build and set up your App Store Connect A/B test, you can start running your test.

App Store will track the progress of your test and provide detailed reports on the results. You can use these reports to determine which version of your app or app listing page performed best and make any necessary optimizations.

Whether you are struggling to optimize your app ranking and downloads or want to ensure that your users are engaging with your app, App Store A/B testing can help.

To learn more about App Store Connect A/B testing and start optimizing your app today, visit App Store Connect.

How Testing Custom Product Pages Works

How Testing Custom Product Pages Works
Small, smart changes Nicolas Solerieu for Opendoor Design

If you are looking to improve your app’s performance in the App Store, you may want to consider testing custom app store product pages.

By testing custom product pages, you can create multiple variations of your app’s product page optimization and run these variations in parallel to determine which variation performs best. This involves planning and carefully managing your campaigns, as it is vital to ensure that each variation receives consistent traffic to get clean results without any bias or inconsistencies.

There are a few key steps that you will need to follow to test custom product pages for your app effectively. These include setting up your campaigns and targeting each variation, tracking and monitoring performance over time, and measuring the results against your overall goals for your app.

If you are ready to start testing custom product pages for your app, carefully plan and manage your campaigns to get clean and reliable results.

With the right approach, you can optimize your app’s App Store performance and increase its visibility and popularity among users.

Can I Run A/B Tests on Custom Product Pages?

No, Custom Product Pages do not include a native A/B testing solution. However, you’ll be able to execute a testing methodology by running paid UA campaigns that go to multiple Custom Product Pages, each representing a variation of the test. Then, you will be able to measure the results through the data App Store Connect exposes.

This is ideal when you’re trying to optimize conversion rates for your UA paid campaigns by measuring which creative and messaging are more effective in driving installs for that specific campaign.

App Store ab testing can be a great way to improve your app’s discoverability and organic ranking.

What can you test with Custom Product Pages?

One of the most critical factors for a successful app launch is creating effective custom product pages.

With custom product pages, you can test screenshots, app preview videos, and promotional text to help your app stand out from the competition and get more downloads.

However, there are certain things that you cannot test with a CPP – such as icons – so it’s essential to keep this in mind when planning your marketing strategy.

Whether you’re just getting started with App Store Optimization or looking for ways to improve your existing efforts, creating effective custom product pages is key to success.

So what are you waiting for? Start optimizing today!

What data do you get from Custom Product Page tests?

What data do you get from Custom Product Page tests
Data Analysis zara magumyan

When you run a Custom Product Page (CPP) test, you’ll be able to see and collect data on impressions, installs (App Units), and conversion rates.

In addition, you’ll also be able to see retention data and Average proceedings per user. This will allow you to get a complete picture of how your CPP is performing and its impact on your app or game.

Whether you’re looking to optimize your App Store page or evaluate the effectiveness of different promotional strategies, a CPP test can provide valuable data to help inform your decisions.

Whether you want to drive more downloads, improve retention rates, or boost revenues, conducting a CPP test is an excellent to understand how users interact with your app and what factors are most likely to influence their behavior.

How can I test the App Icon?

If you are looking to test your App Icon, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

First, it is essential to ensure that the App Icon you include in your app binary matches the App Store icon, such as small and large icons for iPhones and iPads, or square and round icons for Android devices.

Finally, you may also need to include a high-resolution version of your App Icon if it is necessary for App Store that appears on your product page.

This will help ensure users have a consistent experience after downloading your app.

In addition, you will need to include all of the different icon sizes for your app within your binary, depending on the devices you want to support. These might consist of variations such as small, large, square, and round icons for iPhones and iPads, or different sizes for Android devices.

If you are not sure how to create App Icon assets that meet all of these requirements, it may be helpful to work with a developer or designer who has experience in App Store Optimization.

With the right new tools and support, you can quickly test your App Icon and ensure it is optimized for success on the App Store.

How is PPO different from Google Play experiments? 

Marketers should know some key differences between Apple PPO and Google Play store listing experiments.

For starters, App Store Optimization (PPO) is only possible for creative testing assets, while Google Play allows for testing short descriptions and long descriptions. Additionally, the assets required for App Store tests need to go through the Apple review process, whereas in Google Play, tests can be run immediately.

At present, it’s also only possible to have one test running at a time in the App Store, while Google Play allows up to 5 tests at any given time. However, Apple PPO has a high confidence interval like in Google Play. This means that results from PPO experiments can be used to make statistically sound decisions about changes to your app store listing. Overall, these fundamental differences make App Store Optimization a valuable tool for marketers looking to optimize their app marketing efforts in today’s competitive App Store landscape.

IOS 15 limitations to take into account

App Store Product Page Optimization can be a powerful tool to improve the effectiveness of your app marketing efforts, but there are several limitations that you should be aware of. For example, treatments will only be visible to iOS 15 or iPadOS 15 users, and it is not possible to submit two different App Store Product Page variants for review at the same time.

Additionally, it is essential to carefully consider your testing strategy to ensure that you are getting the most out of these limitations and optimizing your App Store presence effectively. Ultimately, with a bit of planning and research, you can use App Store tools to improve your app’s visibility and performance on the App Store.

How to prepare an effective A/B testing strategy

How to prepare an effective A/B testing strategy
Building an effective team Daria

Now that you have learned about product page optimization (PPO) on the App Store optimizing your app pages to get optimal results is time. Here are some tips to help you develop an effective A/B testing strategy. You can also check out our ASO academy to learn more about A/B testing.

Step 1: Deep Research

Conduct internal and external research to understand your product’s strengths, industry trends, and best practices.

Step 2: Have a solid hypothesis.

Before running the test, make sure you form a strong hypothesis based on your research. This will help you determine what changes you need to test and how to measure the results.

Step 3: Set up your test

Once you have a strong hypothesis, you can set up your A/B test.

Step 4: Analyze the results

By following these steps, you can develop an effective A/B testing strategy that will help you optimize your app pages for better results.

Posted in ASO