Resizing App Store Screenshots

Optimizing Your App Store Screenshots for Maximum Impact

App Store screenshots are a crucial marketing asset for any app. They need to be captivating and illustrate an app’s primary function and purpose. Great screenshots can be a difficult task, but it is necessary to grab the user’s attention.

There are a few different ways to resize app store screenshots. One way is to use an online resizer tool. Another way is to download a resizing app. Once your app store screenshot is the correct size, you can upload it to your app store page.

Remember that app store screenshot sizes can vary depending on the app store. Make sure to check the requirements for each app store before uploading your screenshot. You can ensure that your app store screenshot is sized correctly and looks great on your app store page by following these tips.

Why are App Stores Screenshots Important?

If you’re looking to market your app and boost your download numbers, you need to pay close attention to your screenshots. Your app store page is one of the most important places to make a good impression on potential users, and high-quality screenshots are crucial for driving conversions.

Your app store screenshots should be high-resolution and professionally designed. They should accurately represent your app’s interface and give potential users a clear idea of what they can expect from your app. Additionally, your app store images should be optimized for the device type they’re being viewed on (e.g., iPhone or iPad).

App Stores screenshots are an essential part of any app marketing strategy, so don’t neglect them! Invest in high-quality app store images and see the difference it makes in your download numbers.

How to Optimize Your App Store Screenshots?

When it comes to app store optimization, your app store screenshots are some of the essential tools at your disposal. After all, they provide potential users with a quick and easy way to learn about your app and what it offers.

Simply having app screenshots is not enough – you need to make sure that they effectively convey your app’s key features and benefits. Here are some tips on how to optimize your screenshots:

1. Use high-quality images that are clear and easy to understand

2. Showcase your app’s key features prominently

3. Use attractive visuals to draw users in

4. Keep text to a minimum – only include essential information

5. Use a consistent style across all of your screenshots

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your app store screenshots are working hard to promote your app and drive downloads, and remember that app store optimization is more art than science, so don’t be afraid to experiment! With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your app store screenshots for maximum impact.

Use the Right Sizes, Dimensions & Orientation

When creating app store screenshots, you need to use the correct sizes, dimensions, and orientation. Over so many different iPhone models, iPad models, and phone types that support Android. Your app store screenshots need to cater to all the various phone and tablet sizes your users could have.

Creating separate images for each device type and size can be time-consuming, but it’s worth it to make sure your app looks its best on every screen. Follow these tips to create excellent app store screenshots that will appeal to all your potential users:

– Use the correct dimensions for each type of device. iPhone 6 Plus and iPad screenshots should be 1242×2208 pixels, while iPhone 5 or earlier and iPod Touch screenshots should be 640×1136 pixels. The dimensions will vary depending on the screen size and resolution of Android devices.

– Use a consistent orientation across all your screenshots. If you’re using portrait mode for iPhone 6 Plus and iPad images, stick with that for all your other photos.

– Make sure your app’s name and logo are visible in each screenshot. Users should be able to identify your app at a glance.

With these tips in mind, you can create excellent screenshots that will appeal to users of all devices. So don’t neglect this important aspect of app marketing – take the time to create high-quality images that show off your app in its best light!

Screenshot Sizes for Apple App Store

As of 2019, the Apple App Store requires screenshots to have a 72 dpi resolution without transparency and be saved as either flattened JPEGs or PNGs. We’ve also summarized all of the screenshots sizes an app can use on the Apple App Store.

iPhone screenshot sizes:

– 6.5-inch display (iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone XS Max): 1242 x 2688 pixels

– 5.8-inch display (iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone XS, iPhone XR): 1125 x 2436 pixels

– 4.7-inch display (iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus): 1242 x 2208 pixels

– 4-inch display (iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s, iPhone SE): 750 x 1334 pixels

iPad screenshot sizes:

– 12.9-inch display (3rd generation iPad Pro): 2048 x 2732 pixels

– 11-inch display (2nd generation iPad Pro, 1st generation iPad Pro): 1668 x 2388 pixels

– 10.5-inch display (iPad Air 3rd generation): 1668 x 2224 pixels

– 9.7-inch display: 1536 x 2048 pixels

App Store Connect app analytics can show you how often your app’s screenshots are seen on the App Store and what percentage of users click through to your app’s product page after viewing them. You can also see which screenshots were most effective in driving app installs.

Screenshot Sizes for Google Play Store

There are a few different requirements for the screenshots that you’ll need to submit to Google Play. The first is to have at least two screenshots per device type and a maximum of eight. The second is that each screenshot must be a specific size.

Here are the sizes for each type of device:

– Phone Screenshots: 320px by 480px

– Seven-inch tablet Screenshots: 600px by 1024px

– Ten-inch tablet Screenshots: 720px by 1280px

– TV Screenshots: 1280px by 720px or 1920px by 1080px

And here are the file types that are accepted:


– 24-bit PNG

– 32-bit PNG (with alpha transparency)

You can submit screenshots in any order, but Google Play will automatically arrange them according to the above sequence.

So, to sum it all up:

– You need a minimum of two and a maximum of eight Screenshots per device type

– The Screenshots must be a specific size

– The Screenshots must be in one of the following file types: JPEG, 24-bit PNG, or 32-bit PNG (with alpha transparency)

Google Play Store Screenshots of portrait and landscape orientations.

When it comes to creating screenshots for your app on the Google Play Store listing, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The important thing is to make sure that your images are clear and legible, regardless of the size or orientation you choose.

Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind:

For portrait orientation:

– The minimum width should be 320px

– The maximum width should be 2120px

– The minimum height should be 480px

– The maximum height should be 3840px

For landscape orientation:

– The minimum width should be 480px

– The maximum width should be 3840px

– The minimum height should be 320px

– The maximum height should be 2120px

These are just general guidelines – ultimately, the best way to determine the correct size and orientation for your Google Play Store screenshots is to experiment with what looks best on your particular device.

If you want to include more than one screenshot in your app listing, remember that you can upload up to 8 images (portrait or landscape) for each supported language. So make sure to use all of the available space to give potential users a clear idea of your app!

The importance of delivering the right message through screenshots

When it comes to your store presence, providing the right message through your screenshots is critical. Your images should be able to showcase your app’s features and present a story that users can follow.

In addition, make sure that people can get valuable information from your images about how the app works and how it can benefit them. You can ensure that your app store presence makes a lasting impression on potential users by following these guidelines.

Localize Your Apps

Your app screenshots are a great way to localize your app and make it more visible to users in different countries.

When you submit your app to the Apple Store or Google Play, you can choose to include new screenshots for each language. This is an excellent opportunity to show off your app in its native language and appeal to users who may not be familiar with English.

Include that alphabet in your images and screenshots if you’re targeting countries with a different alphabet. This will help users in those countries find and install your app.

Localizing your app is a great way to increase its visibility and boost your ranking in search results. So if you’re looking to go global with your app, make localization a priority.

A/B Testing importance

If you’re not A/B testing your app screenshots, you’re missing out on a crucial opportunity to maximize your conversion rates.

By comparing different versions of your screenshots and seeing which ones perform better, you can learn what speaks to your target demographic and what design elements make users take action.

So what should you be testing? Here are a few ideas:

– Different styles of screenshots (e.g., minimalistic vs. busy)

– Different designs (e.g., simple vs. complex)

– Different background colors

– Different layouts

Keep testing different variations until you find the winning combination that brings in the most downloads!

Airbnb app screenshots

screenshots are an essential part of marketing your app. They give potential users a quick preview of what your app looks like and what it can do.

Airbnb uses its brand colors and short titles to create screenshots that are visually appealing App Store screenshots. Airbnb also features a nice cross-frame image that helps draw attention to the app.

Tinder App Store Screenshots

Tinder uses bright colors and big images of people in their screenshots. This makes their listing more attractive to potential users.

Netflix app screenshots

As you can see from the app store screenshots, Netflix has a straightforward layout for their iPad app. The title and subtitle are both clear and easy to read, and the large shots of the app make it easy to see what it looks like and how it works. Overall, this makes for a very user-friendly and intuitive design that will appeal to any iPad user.

Google Play Store Screenshot Sizes

When preparing your app for the Google Play Store, it’s crucial to consider the diversity of Android devices. The screenshot sizes you choose should cater to various screen resolutions and sizes. This ensures potential users get a clear and accurate preview of your app, regardless of their device. Remember, a well-presented app can significantly increase download rates and user engagement.

Apple App Store Screenshot Sizes

The Apple App Store is known for its high standards in terms of app presentation. When submitting your app, adhering to the required screenshot sizes is essential. This ensures compliance with the App Store guidelines and enhances the user’s experience. A well-optimized screenshot can effectively communicate your app’s functionality and aesthetic, making it more appealing to potential users.

App Store Panoramic Screenshots: Panoramic screenshots are an innovative way to showcase your app’s interface and functionality. They provide a broader view of your app, allowing users to get a feel for the user experience you offer. When used effectively, panoramic screenshots can tell a story, guiding potential users through the key features of your app and enticing them to download.

Remember, screenshots aim to showcase your app’s features and benefits effectively. High-quality, well-designed screenshots can significantly increase the chances of potential users noticing and downloading your app.

Wrapping up

As we’ve seen, optimizing your app screenshots is essential to the success of your app. By ensuring your images are clear, concise, and visually appealing, you can dramatically improve your conversion rate and give your app the best chance at success.

If you need help creating or A/B testing your app store screenshots, Witapps can assist you. We have a team of experienced designers and ASO experts who can help you take your app to the next level. Contact us today to learn more.

They use high-quality photos, attractive visuals, and descriptive text to give users an idea of their app. Well-designed screenshots can increase potential users’ chances of getting noticed and downloaded.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best ways to optimize app store screenshots?

1. Use the correct sizes and dimensions: App store screenshots should be a minimum of 640 x 920 pixels and a maximum of 2048 x 2732 pixels. The app store will not accept anything outside of those dimensions.

2. Deliver the right message & explain your app: App store screenshots are one of the best ways to show off your app and its features. Ensure you know what your app does and why someone should download it. A good screenshot will give potential users a taste of what your app is all about.

3. If your app is global, remember to localize: store screenshots should be localized for each market you target. This means creating different versions of your screenshot depending on the language and culture of the market.

4. A/B test repeatedly: screenshots are one of the most critical elements of your app’s listing, so it’s essential to A/B test them regularly to see what works best. Try different wording, images, and layouts to see what gets the most downloads.

Do portrait or landscape app store screenshots perform better?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the app and what type of screenshots will showcase it in the best light.

Portrait screenshots are generally more popular because they allow you to showcase several frames without scrolling. They work well for the panoramic effect of carrying designs across two screenshots.

However, text in these frames can be complicated to read because of their narrow shape. Landscape screenshots are not as good for a panoramic gallery, but usually, only one screenshot is visible at a time, making them easier to digest.

Ultimately, deciding which format works better for your app is up to you.

What are the benefits of A/B testing app store screenshots?

A/B testing is a great way to compare designs and concepts to see which ones yield better conversion rates. This can help determine which style speaks to your target demographic, what design makes users take action, what background color works best, and what layouts reel in the most downloads. Ultimately, A/B testing can help you optimize screenshots to maximize conversions and achieve your desired business results.

Ultimately, A/B testing can help you optimize screenshots to maximize conversions and achieve your desired business results.

Some benefits of A/B testing screenshots include:

1. You can learn which style speaks to your target demographic.

2. You can learn what design makes users take action.

3. You can learn what background color works best.

4. You can learn what layouts reel in the most downloads.

5. A/B testing can help you optimize your app store listing to maximize conversions and achieve your desired business results.